Monday, 7 January 2013
Exhibit Hall 3 (Austin Convention Center)
The local weather report, the number one reason Americans tune into local television newscasts, is one of the few ongoing sources of science coverage in the media. Broadcast meteorologists are often the only professionals in the newsroom with a science background and are highly-trusted public figures, making them well-positioned to serve as station scientists, helping to advance public understanding of environment and climate science through on-air, online and community outreach activities. This poster will highlight the Earth Gauge® program, a partnership between the National Environmental Education Foundation (NEEF), the American Meteorological Society (AMS) and the COMET® Program. Earth Gauge provides its partners - now including over 240 local broadcast meteorologists, radio broadcasters and journalists in 111 media markets - with free information, graphics and other resources designed to help meteorologists relate the weathercast to climate, environmental quality, energy use/conservation, public health, home and yard care, etc. Earth Gauge features a free, weekly e-newsletter that ties a range of environmental topics to the local 3-day forecast. Included in this information is Climate Facts, which uses non-technical language and graphics to highlight the latest developments in Earth systems research and illustrate the relationships between global climate and the local weather. The program also works in partnership with the COMET® Program to provide continuing online education courses tied to AMS certification.