Handout (1.2 MB)
SeaSpace Corporation has seized upon this opportunity to continue its mission of educational outreach by creating a textbook on remote sensing that appeals to the grade 7-12 demographic. The working title is Satellite Remote Sensing Basics and Interpretation by SeaSpace Corporation, and it is expected to be released on the iTunes store around the beginning of 2013. As part of a summer internship, a student at Millersville University has participated in this project as one of the co-authors.
The iBook platform has advantages over paper textbooks in relation to teaching remote sensing, because it includes interactivity with imagery, real time feedback on quiz questions, zooming of images, playback of videos, and clicking to get definitions of key terms. This presentation will demonstrate these special capabilities. The SeaSpace iBook intends to be a basic introduction to students or anyone who is interested in learning about satellite remote sensing, and the iBook will focus on using real satellite imagery as examples. It is hoped that these strengths and the fact that the grade 7-12 demographic is technology-savvy, will help increase the public's knowledge about satellite remote sensing and its importance to our lives.