Since its beginning, HEPEX has organized: about a dozen international workshops; many test-bed projects; special sessions at scientific meetings (including AMS, AGU and EGU); and, special issues of peer-reviewed scientific journals where workshop results have been published. Today, the HEPEX mission is to demonstrate the added value of hydrological ensemble predictions (HEPS) for emergency management and water resources sectors to make decisions that have important consequences for economy, public health, safety, and the environment. HEPEX is now organised around six major themes: 1. Input and pre-processing (lead ECMWF) 2. Ensemble techniques (lead ECMWF) 3. Data assimilation (lead NWS) 4. Post-processing (lead NWS) 5. Verification (lead JRC) 6. Communication and use in decision making (lead JRC)
This poster will present an overview of recent and planned HEPEX activities. This will be done with special emphasis on how HEPEX participants are helping advance the theme of this meeting to take predictions to the next level