Simulating Pollution Dispersion over a Large Oil Facility using UK ADMS Model: Description of an Observation
Simulating Pollution Dispersion over a Large Oil Facility using UK ADMS Model: Description of an Observation

Tuesday, 4 February 2014
Hall C3 (The Georgia World Congress Center )
Handout (1.5 MB)
This study attempts to demonstrate the use of UK Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling System (UK ADMS) dispersion model to simulate pollutant emitted from a gas processing facility located in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria. Concentrations of four pollutants emitted from the facility were simulated to determine variations of the pollutants with seasons of the year. It is the aim of the study to compare the simulated concentrations with standards. The UK ADMS model accepts a range of meteorological data which makes it suitable for the present purpose. In the absence of profile data, which most models require, UK ADMS accepts surface data which are readily available from meteorological stations and uses new developments in boundary layers parameterisation to estimate needed input parameters. The results show that pollutants readily disperse during the dry season due to unstable atmospheric conditions, leading to reduced pollutants concentrations. On the other hand the wet season is characterised with stable atmospheric conditions capable of retaining more pollutants in the atmosphere, thus leading to higher concentrations. In comparing predicted with observed concentrations, the adjusted correlation coefficients range between 50 – 90% indicating that the facility's emission is not the only contributor to the observed values. However, the facility is a major contributor to environmental pollution in the locations around it. Finally, it was observed that emissions from the facility have not exceeded the standard air quality objectives.