From clouds to cloud computing: The role of observations in the history of urban climatology "Invited"
From clouds to cloud computing: The role of observations in the history of urban climatology "Invited"

Tuesday, 4 February 2014: 2:15 PM
Room C112 (The Georgia World Congress Center )
Observations are critical to the understanding of atmospheric processes. Some of the earliest urban observations are comments related to visual the deterioration of air quality (e.g. see Landberg's 1981 discussion of the history of urban climate). As instruments were developed, urban areas were amongst the first places they were sited; while the interest in these studies was often in regional conditions, new insights into urban processes resulted. The challenges of meteorological observations in urban areas have also stimulated developments of technology and considerations of instrument siting and sensor placement. In this talk, consideration will be given to some key development in observations of urban climate, the impact of these on understanding in the city and beyond, and some of the key challenges today.