Tornadic Supercells in Central Oklahoma on May 19, 20, and 31 of 2013: NSSL Radar Data
Tornadic Supercells in Central Oklahoma on May 19, 20, and 31 of 2013: NSSL Radar Data

Wednesday, 5 February 2014
Hall C3 (The Georgia World Congress Center )
Handout (3.6 MB)
Violent tornadoes occurred on May 19, 20, and 31 during the Rapid Supercell Dual-Polarization Experiment and the Evolution of Supercells Experiment being run by the NSSL Phased Array Radar and Meteorological Studies Team. In addition to the Phased Array Radar (PAR), KOUN (long-term research WSR-88D), and NOXP (NSSL mobile Radar) were used to collect rapid-scan radar data on the storms; all volume scans were approximately 1.5 min or faster. These data will be used for study of rapid evolution of the supercell kinetic structures and rapid changes in microphysical properties (using dual-polarization parameters). Co-located S-band (KOUN) and X-band (NOXP) radars provide opportunity for rapid-scan, dual-wavelength analysis of microphysical processes. Data from other nearby radars (KTLX (operational WSR-88D), KCRI (short-term test WSR-88D), and TOKC (operational TDWR)) will be added to the analyses and compared to the NSSL radars. A data collection summary and first analysis results will be shown on the poster.