High-Resolution TDWR Evolution of the Newcastle-Moore, Oklahoma Tornado of 20 May 2013

Handout (417.7 kB)
Primary interest is a tornado signature shown in high-resolution Doppler velocity data collected by the Oklahoma City (OKC) Terminal Doppler Weather Radar (TDWR) when the closest tornado was 3 miles (5 km) north-northwest of the TDWR. This signature is a rare vortex signature of extreme Doppler velocity values (of opposite sign) separated by at least several beamwidths in the azimuth direction, which arises when the tornado is within a few kilometers of the radar and the tornado is larger than the radar beam. The radar data were continuous for a substantial portion of the tornado's life and provided detailed information on the high-resolution velocity and reflectivity fields in and around the tornado. The data permit good estimates of tornado rotational velocity and diameter, and also allow comparison with tornado damage survey estimates of damage.0.8 on 8-13-2013-->