Arctic amplification and changes in mid-latitude weather patterns: Connecting more dots
Arctic amplification and changes in mid-latitude weather patterns: Connecting more dots

Wednesday, 5 February 2014: 5:00 PM
Room C102 (The Georgia World Congress Center )
In this presentation, we will build on analysis presented in Francis and Vavrus (GRL, 2012) in which mechanisms were proposed and demonstrated that link enhanced warming in the Arctic during recent decades with changes in the trajectory of the upper-level flow in mid-latitudes. Evidence was presented that suggests Arctic Amplification may have contributed to an increase in large-scale wave amplitude and slower zonal winds, both of which favor more persistent weather patterns in mid-latitudes. Prolonged weather conditions are often associated with extreme weather -- such as droughts, cold spells, heat waves, and flooding events, -- some of which appear to be increasing in frequency. New analysis of fields from reanalyses will be presented that illustrates the response of mid-latitude circulation and weather patterns to Arctic Amplification.