Eastern Dryline Climatology and Synoptic-Scale Environment
Eastern Dryline Climatology and Synoptic-Scale Environment

Monday, 3 February 2014
Hall C3 (The Georgia World Congress Center )
Handout (1.6 MB)
A 31-year climatology of dryline passages occurring between 106°W and 80°W will be presented. The climatology will span the years 1979 - 2009 and will include all months. It will be one of the first to document the frequency of dryline passages in the eastern portion of the United States. Composites of synoptic conditions associated with eastern drylines will also be presented. These composites will be used to identify typical synoptic patterns resulting in drylines being advected atypically far eastward. The results will provide a better understanding of the roles that synoptic-scale forcing plays in severe weather events associated with dryline passages.