Working with the OGC to ensure harmonization with the Met-Ocean community:-

M. Ashworth & P. Trevelyan, Met Office, Exeter, United Kingdom
The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC), is an international voluntary consensus standards organization, created in 1994. The OGC consists of more than 400 hundred organisations that collaborate to develop and implement open standards for geospatial content and services. These standards are presented as technical documents and specify interfaces, in the case of services, and encodings for the delivery of data. These standards are the main product of the Open Geospatial Consortium and have been developed by the membership to address specific interoperability challenges.
Met-Ocean data is geospatial, but has the added complication of time and more recently ensembles (multi member model runs) and therefore has a unique set of “use cases”. The OGC places a strong emphasis on consensus and the Met-Ocean community, in response, has set up a domain working group to work within the OGC. This group organizes and prioritizes the requirements with the express aim of ensuring that the OGC standards work well with the Met-Ocean community and are actively working to create set of public “Best Practice” documents that are endorsed by the OGC and will be stored in the OGC repository.
This talk presents a description of the work of the Met-Ocean community with particularly reference to the work on creating a profile for the WCS2.0 (Web Coverage Service) that allows the interoperable exchange of digital data. This interface is very important as it will help with the handling of “big data”, by subsetting large volumes and only returning the “data of interest” to the user. A set of use Met-Ocean “Use” cases” will be presented that support a wide variety of users (including Aviation, Defence, Hydro etc) as well as a description of the supporting WCS2.0 interfaces. The WCS2.0 core profile will also have to be extended and these domain specific extensions will also be described.