ClipCard: Sharable, Searchable Visual Metadata Summaries on Cloud to Render Big and Dark Data Actionable

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Thursday, 6 February 2014: 11:15 AM
Room C106 (The Georgia World Congress Center )
Prasad Saripalli, OneOcean Corporation, Seattle, WA; and D. Davis, R. Cunningham, and N. Merati
Research firm IDC estimates that approximately 90 percent of the Enterprise Big Data go un-analyzed, as “dark data” - an enormous corpus of undiscovered, untagged information residing on data warehouses, servers and Storage Area Networks (SAN). In the ocean and climate sciences, these data range from unpublished model runs to vast survey data assets to raw sensor data. Many of these are now being collected instantaneously, at a greater volume and in new data formats. Not all of these data can be analyzed, nor processed in real time, and their features may not be well described at the time of collection. These dark data are a serious data management problem for science organizations of all types, especially ones with mandated or required data reporting and compliance requirements. Additionally, data curators and scientists are encouraged to quantify the impact of their data holdings as a way to measure research success. Deriving actionable insights is the foremost goal of Big Data Analytics (BDA), which is especially true with geoscience, given its direct impact on most of the pressing global issues. Clearly, there is a pressing need for innovative approaches to making dark data discoverable, measurable, and actionable.
We report on ClipCard, a Cloud-based SaaS analytic platform for instant summarization, quick search, visualization and easy sharing of metadata summaries form the Dark Data at hierarchical levels of detail, thus rendering it “white”, i. e., actionable. We present a use case of the ClipCard platform, a cloud-based application which helps generate (abstracted) visual metadata summaries and meta-analytics for environmental data at hierarchical scales within and across big data containers. These summaries and analyses provide important new tools for managing /big data and simplifying collaboration through easy to deploy sharing APIs. The ClipCard application solves a growing data management bottleneck by helping enterprises and large organizations to summarize, search, discover, and share the potential in their unused data and information assets. Using Cloud as the base platform enables wider reach, quick dissemination and easy sharing of the metadata summaries, without actually storing or sharing the original data assets per se.