Exploring Interoperability: The Advancements and Challenges of Improving Data Discovery, Access, and Visualization of Scientific Data Through the NOAA Earth Information System (NEIS)

Interoperability is a complex subject and often leads to different definitions in different environments. An interoperable framework of web services can improve the user experience by providing an interface for interaction with data regardless of it's format or physical location. This in itself improves accessibility to data, fosters data exploration and use, and provides a framework for new tools and applications. With an interoperable system you have:
● Data ready for action. Services model facilitates agile response to events. Services can be combined or reused quickly, upgraded or modified independently.
● Any data available through an interoperable framework can be operated on or combined with other data. Integrating standardized formats and access.
● New and existing systems have access to wide variety of data. Any new data added is easily incorporated with minimal changes required.
The possibilities are limitless.
The NOAA Earth Information System (NEIS) at the Earth System Research Laboratory (ESRL) is continuing research into an interoperable framework of layered services designed to facilitate the discovery, access, integration, visualization, and understanding of all NOAA (past, present, and future) data. An underlying philosophy of NEIS is to take advantage of existing off-the-shelf technologies and standards to minimize development of custom code allowing everyone to take advantage of the framework to meet these goals above. This framework, while built by NOAA are not limited to NOAA data or applications. Any other data available through similar services or applications that understand these standards can work interchangeably. Two major challenges are under active research at ESRL are data discoverability and fast access to big data. This presentation will provide an update on development of NEIS, including these challenges, the findings, and recommendations on what is needed for an interoperable system, as well as ongoing research activities.