Weather Ready Schools: Using Problem Based Learning to Train School Decision Makers on Weather Decisions
Weather Ready Schools: Using Problem Based Learning to Train School Decision Makers on Weather Decisions

Tuesday, 4 February 2014: 2:30 PM
Georgia Ballroom 2 (The Georgia World Congress Center )
There is little research shown on how to train school decision makers to make hazardous weather related decisions proactively. Using results from an online administered survey and focus group comprised of school leaders and emergency managers, a problem based learning activity was designed and developed. This study explored whether school decision makers understood the concerns, complexities, and distractions of other stakeholders in the weather information dissemination process, and whether problem based learning is an effective way to train school decision makers to make hazardous weather related decisions proactively. Results show that the problem based learning activity effectively engaged the participants in exploring their weather related decisions and their relationships to and responsibilities of other stakeholders in the weather decision process. In addition to discussions about concerns and complexities of other stakeholders, there were many weather misconceptions said by the school participants. This paper presentation will discuss results from the study and how they transfer to training school decision makers in the future.