Transformation in the Weather Enterprise: The Benefits of Smart Data and Technological Advances to Develop Actionable Knowledge for Decision Making
Transformation in the Weather Enterprise: The Benefits of Smart Data and Technological Advances to Develop Actionable Knowledge for Decision Making

Tuesday, 4 February 2014: 2:15 PM
Georgia Ballroom 2 (The Georgia World Congress Center )
Various organizations rely on critical weather information to make tactical, operational, and strategic decisions. Gradual increases in the amount of weather data combined with the investment in resilient processing systems have yielded some progress in the generation of knowledge to support a Weather Ready Nation. Today, we stand on the precipice of a major shift in the way data is integrated into our enterprise. The need for big data applications, innovations in technology, and increase demand for weather and water information mark a new paradigm in mission critical weather applications. Weather is no longer “the price of doing business,” it is now a critical element in all levels of decision making.
This presentation will review the needs among the weather enterprise for ways to effectively manage the massive increase of weather data, increasing automation, and deploying data fusion and knowledge generation techniques to enhance and streamline the decision making process.