The Influence of Tornado Knowledge and Perceptions on Safety Actions Taken among Undergraduates
The Influence of Tornado Knowledge and Perceptions on Safety Actions Taken among Undergraduates

Monday, 3 February 2014
Hall C3 (The Georgia World Congress Center )
Handout (1.5 MB)
A survey about perceptions of tornadoes and tornado safety was administered to 613 students enrolled in introductory-level science courses at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Questions included home state and number of years lived in Nebraska, source from which participants learned about tornadoes and tornado safety, general responses to tornado warnings, specific response(s) to the most recent tornado warning experienced, and a variety of questions designed to test knowledge of tornadoes and appropriate tornado safety actions. Results of survey analysis will be presented, with a focus on i) relationships between source of tornado-related knowledge, source of tornado warnings, and responses to tornado warnings, ii) how perceptions of tornadoes may influence actions participants report to take when experiencing a tornado warning, and iii) geographic differences in participant knowledge of tornadoes and tornado safety.