Variability of extreme indices over the Iberian Peninsula
Variability of extreme indices over the Iberian Peninsula

Monday, 3 February 2014
Hall C3 (The Georgia World Congress Center )
We address the analysis of warm days and nights, precipitation intensity and aridity index, derived from gridded high resolution E-OBS data for the period 1950 to 2012. The aims of this study are to determine regional differences, long-term changes and interannual variations of the observed extremes. Learning about extreme variability is objective of many studies due to the interest on the effects of a warmer world. Here we use different statistical approaches to investigate driving mechanism that cause the extremes and to quantify the contribution of some large-scale variables, considering upper and lower troposphere variables, sea surface temperature and teleconnection patterns. First, a comparison of gridded and station data is performed to evaluate the gridded data for studies of extremes.