STAR Algorithm Integration Team: Software Development Tools
STAR Algorithm Integration Team: Software Development Tools

Wednesday, 5 February 2014
Hall C3 (The Georgia World Congress Center )
The NOAA/NESDIS Center for Satellite Research and Applications (STAR) Algorithm Integration Team (AIT) provides technical support of the Joint Polar Satellite System (JPSS) algorithm development and integration tasks in coordination with the JPSS Ground Project Data Products Engineering (DPE) Team. The AIT brings technical expertise and support to product algorithms, specifically in testing and validating science algorithms in the Algorithm Development Library (ADL) environment. The AIT has developed a variety of in-house software that supports the JPSS science teams in implementing algorithm changes.
To aid the algorithm teams with algorithm validation, the AIT has created pipeline processing scripts to automate the process of producing data records within ADL. The scripts gather and convert data, schedule and run the entire processing chain, and enable the AIT to view and present results to the validation teams. Configuration management is utilized to reduce risk and ensure all team members work from a common baseline. The details of the AIT software development shall be presented.