10thGOES-R/JPSS Posters

- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner
Wednesday, 5 February 2014: 2:30 PM-4:00 PM
Hall C3 (The Georgia World Congress Center )
Host: Tenth Annual Symposium on New Generation Operational Environmental Satellite Systems
Cochairs:  Michael L. Jamilkowski, DCMS/JPSS CGS, Raytheon Intelligence and Information Systems, Greenbelt, MD and Bill Sjoberg, Contractor with Global Science & Technology, Inc., NESDIS/JPSS, Lanham, MD
Procedures to Validate S-NPP Sounding Products using Conventional and Reference/Dedicated Observations,
Tony Reale, NOAA/NESDIS, College Park, MD; and B. sun, F. Tilley, M. Pettey, N. R. Nalli, D. Tobin, and C. D. Barnet

STAR Algorithm Integration Team: Software Development Tools
Valerie J. Mikles, NOAA/NESDIS, Riverdale, MD; and K. Sprietzer, W. Chen, Y. Zhao, M. Tsidulko, Y. Tang, B. Das, and W. Wolf

Using NPROVS for Evaluation of Suomi NPP Atmospheric Sounding Retrievals against Conventional Radiosonde Observations
Bomin Sun, IMSG & NOAA/NESDIS/STAR, College Park, MD; and A. Reale, M. Pettey, F. Tilley, C. Brown, N. Nalli, A. Gambacorta, and M. G. Divakarla

An experiment using high resolution CrIS measurements for atmospheric retrievals: carbon monoxide impact study
Antonia Gambacorta, IM Systems Group, College Park, MD; and C. D. Barnet, W. Wolf, T. King, E. Maddy, L. L. Strow, Y. Han, D. Tremblay, N. Nalli, X. Xiong, and M. Goldberg

Handout (2.3 MB)

Graphical Analytical Programs for Validating S-NPP Sounding Products Using Conventional and Reference/Dedicated Observations
Michael Pettey, IMSG & NOAA/NESDIS/STAR, Suitland, MD; and C. Brown, T. Reale, and B. Sun

Inter-comparison of Land Surface Temperature products from NPP/VIIRS and Aqua/MODIS – Protocol, Limitations and Validation Results
Jim Biard, Cooperative Institute for Climate and Satellites, Asheville, NC; and P. C. Guillevic, G. Hulley, and J. L. Privette

Handout (16.9 MB)

Error Characterization of Atmospheric Motion Vectors Derived via a Nested Tracking Algorithm Developed for the GOES-R Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI)
Jaime Daniels, NOAA, College Park, MD; and W. Bresky, S. Wanzong, A. Bailey, C. Velden, A. Allegrino, and X. Li

CrIS Reprocessing Compute System
Denis Tremblay, Science Data Processing/NOAA, College Park, MD; and Y. Han, Y. Chen, X. Jin, L. Wang, and A. Gambacorta

NOAA Aerosols and Ocean Science Expeditions (AEROSE) Supporting S-NPP EDR Validation
Nicholas R. Nalli, NOAA/NESDIS, College Park, MD; and C. D. Barnet, T. Reale, E. Joseph, V. R. Morris, D. E. Wolfe, A. Gambacorta, P. J. Minnett, T. King, H. Xie, E. Maddy, F. Iturbide-Sanchez, M. Divakarla, M. I. Oyola, J. W. Smith, and E. D. Roper
Manuscript (382.3 kB)

GOES-R AWG Product Processing System Framework: R2O
Shanna Sampson, NOAA/NESDIS, College Park, MD; and W. Wolf, X. Liu, A. Li, T. Yu, R. Rollins, V. Jose, R. Garcia, G. Martin, W. Straka III, E. Schiffer, and J. Daniels

JPSS S-NPP Land Surface Temperature Product: Beta and Provisional Release Status
Yunyue Yu, NOAA/NESDIS, College Park, MD; and Y. Liu, Z. Wang, P. Yu, I. A. Csiszar, J. L. Privette, and P. C. Guillevic

GOES-R AWG Product Processing System Framework: Near Real-Time Product Generation
Shanna Sampson, IMSG, College Park, MD; and W. Wolf, M. Fan, X. Liu, A. Li, T. Yu, Y. Zhao, R. Rollins, V. Jose, R. Garcia, G. Martin, W. Straka III, and J. Daniels

Using the model simulation to improve the Land Surface Temperature retrieval for JPSS and GOES-R Missions
Zhuo Wang, I. M, Systems Group, Inc., College Park, MD; and Y. Yu, Y. Liu, and P. Yu

Validation of S-NPP VIIRS Provisional Land Surface Temperature Product
Yuling Liu, CICS of University of Maryland, College Park, MD; and Y. Yu, Z. Wang, and P. Yu

Environmental Analysis of GOES-R Convection Initiation Forecasting Algorithms
Daniel Nietfeld, NOAA/NWS, Valley, NE; and J. Apke and M. R. Anderson

An Objective Validation Approach to GOES-R Based Convection Initiation Forecasting Algorithms
Daniel Nietfeld, NOAA/NWS, Valley, NE; and J. Apke and M. R. Anderson

Suomi NPP/JPSS Cross-track Infrared Sounder (CrIS): Calibration Validation With The Aircraft Based Scanning High-resolution Interferometer Sounder (S-HIS)
Joe K. Taylor, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI; and D. C. Tobin, H. E. Revercomb, F. A. Best, R. O. Knuteson, R. K. Garcia, D. Deslover, and L. A. Borg
Manuscript (5.3 MB)

Handout (2.7 MB)

Evaluation and Improvement of the S-NPP CrIMSS Rain Flag
Wenze Yang, University of Maryland, College Park, MD; and F. Iturbide-Sanchez, R. R. Ferraro, M. Divakarla, and T. Reale

Handout (2.9 MB)

Satellite Training Activities: VISIT, SHyMet and WMO VLab
Bernadette H. Connell, CIRA/Colorado State Univ., Ft. Collins, CO; and D. Bikos, E. J. Szoke, A. S. Bachmeier, S. Lindstrom, A. Mostek, B. Motta, T. J. Schmit, M. Davison, K. A. Caesar, V. Castro, and L. Veeck

Handout (1.8 MB)

Implications of CrIS Full Spectral Resolution Operations on Suomi NPP High Rate Data Direct Broadcast
Michael J. Denning, Integrity Applications Incorporated, Chantilly, VA; and B. Guenther and Y. Han

JPSS System Architecture S-NPP to the Future
Arron Layns, NOAA/NESDIS, Lanham, MD; and J. Furgerson, J. Feeley, A. N. Griffin, and G. Trumbower

A Stewardship Maturity Matrix for Assessing the State of Environmental Data Quality and Usability Practices
Ge Peng, North Carolina State University's Cooperative Institute for Climate and Satellites (CICS-NC), Asheville, NC; and J. L. Privette

Operational Implementation of Algorithm Changes using the Algorithm Development Library
Kerry D. Grant, Raytheon Intelligence, Information and Services (IIS), Aurora, CO; and S. W. Miller and M. L. Jamilkowski

VIIRS Improvements Over MODIS
Kerry D. Grant, Raytheon Intelligence and Information Systems, Aurora, CO; and S. W. Miller and J. J. Puschell

Validation of Suomi-NPP CRIMSS retrievals of temperature and water vapor using ARM site best estimates of atmospheric state
Lori A. Borg, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI; and D. Tobin, R. Knuteson, H. Revercomb, A. Reale, N. R. Nalli, D. J. Holdridge, and J. H. Mather