GOES-R AWG Product Processing System Framework: R2O
GOES-R AWG Product Processing System Framework: R2O

Wednesday, 5 February 2014
Hall C3 (The Georgia World Congress Center )
The GOES-R Algorithm Working Group's (AWG) Product Processing System Framework developed at NOAA/NESDIS/STAR is currently being expanded for use in transitioning algorithms to operations. The framework was designed to make it easier for integration of scientific algorithms by enabling the algorithm to be developed and/or tested in both the framework and the scientist's offline research system with little modification or addition to either system. Since the framework is an all-in-one system, it allows algorithms access to a variety of data sets with minimal effort once they have been integrated into the system. A number of GOES-R algorithms are taking advantage of these benefits and are being adapted for use in other projects. The GOES-R AWG Derived Motion Vector Winds algorithm has been successfully updated and transitioned to operations running on existing GOES and VIIRS data. Other GOES-R algorithms that will be upgraded and delivered to operations using VIIRS include the Clouds, Aerosols, and Cryosphere products. The design details of the framework, transitioning of the framework to operations, and future algorithm implementation plans shall be discussed.