Error Characterization of Atmospheric Motion Vectors Derived via a Nested Tracking Algorithm Developed for the GOES-R Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI)

Meteosat SEVERI and GOES-N/O/P imagery are serving as important GOES-R ABI proxy data source for further development, testing, and validation of the GOES-R AMV winds and cloud property algorithms. Work is underway to also apply these new wind and cloud algorithms to NPP/VIIRS, MODIS, and AVHRR to generate winds operationally at NESDIS. Validation efforts aimed at characterizing the errors associated with the resulting satellite wind products have been ongoing. Available reference/ground truth wind measurements include: radiosondes, aircraft observations, and CALIPSO. Specific case studies are being performed for situations where the satellite wind product quality is poorest. Details of the GOES-R ABI AMV algorithm and the latest validation results will be presented and discussed.