CrIS Reprocessing Compute System
CrIS Reprocessing Compute System

Wednesday, 5 February 2014
Hall C3 (The Georgia World Congress Center )
The Cross-track Infrared Sounder (CrIS) is a Fourier transform spectrometer flying on-board the SUOMI NPP satellite that was launched on October 28th 2011. The primary mission is to provide IR radiance measurement of the top of atmosphere that is assimilated directly into the NWP weather forecasting system. Reprocessing capability has became needed for several reasons: (1) Estimation of new calibration parameters allows to see the impact on the SDR product, (2) Data format change during the mission currently does not allow backward capability, (3) Data set of the mission can be reprocessed with the same algorithm version and calibration coefficients for end-to-end comparison, (4) Reprocessing of high resolution data. To this end, NOAA has set up a reprocessing system. In this presentation, we present the hardware architecture, software data flow and examples of reprocessed normal mode and high spectral resolution mode SDRs.