Graphical Analytical Programs for Validating S-NPP Sounding Products Using Conventional and Reference/Dedicated Observations

Abstract The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration/National Environmental Satellite Data and Information Service (NOAA/NESDIS) produces operational global temperature and moisture soundings from several polar-orbiting and geostationary satellites. Within the NESDIS Office of SaTellite Applications and Research (STAR), the function of centralized scientific monitoring and validation of operational atmospheric derived product systems operated by NOAA, including S-NPP and recently deployed MeTOP-B is provided by the NOAA Products Validation System (NPROVS). As part of the NPROVS effort, a comprehensive system of graphical programs has been created to handle and display a large variety and volume of data from multiple satellites and products suites.
The following report summarizes the NPROVS analytical and graphical applications used to monitor the performance of the satellite products systems with a focus on evolving S-NPP soundings. Emphasis will be placed on how the tools are designed to provide users with the ability to monitor near-real time, short-term and long-term statistical performance for each system. Examples of program features that allow users to identify problem areas (deep dive) and compare results among multiple satellite product suites and ground truth are shown. Also discussed are pending modifications and enhancements to specifically validate suites of S-NPP and associated legacy products using evolving reference and JPSS funded dedicated radiosonde observations.