Relative Roles of Circumnavigating Waves and Extratropics on the MJO

The simulations further show that both the tropical mean precipitation and the intraseasonal precipitation variability are reduced when the extratropical influences are suppressed. The in-phase relationship is primarily attributed to the effect of the mean state on perturbations. A moisture budget analysis indicates that a positive feedback to the mean precipitation by the anomalous moisture convergence is offset by a negative feedback due to the anomalous moisture advection. The change in the mean precipitation in the absence of extratropical influences is primarily determined by the change in the mean moisture convergence, which in turn is due to the change in circulation. This study is the first attempt to quantitatively separate the effects of the circumnavigating waves and the extratropics on the MJO.
The changes in the above results due to the inclusion of a slab ocean model will be shown. Implications and limitations of this study will be discussed in the meeting.