Renewable Energy Applications for Data from the New Reference Facility for Offshore Renewable Energy

The RFORE will feature a meteorological tower that will provide in situ measurements at multiple levels to at least 100 m above the sea surface. In addition, several remote-sensing systems including lidars and radars will provide atmospheric wind and thermodynamic measurements throughout the marine atmospheric boundary layer and above. Various measures of sea state and sub-surface structure will also be include, and the platform is expected to ultimately incorporate environmental measurements as well. All data collected as part of the core instrumentation for the facility will be discoverable and freely available for download from the data management facility.
During the past year, considerable progress has been made in both the engineering planning for the new facility and in the definition of the instrumentation complement and design of the data management facility. This presentation will review the planned capabilities of the RFORE and describe several of the renewable energy applications for which we expect its data to be used.