The New AMS Board on Global Strategies
The New AMS Board on Global Strategies

Tuesday, 4 February 2014: 11:15 AM
Room C301 (The Georgia World Congress Center )
The AMS Commission on the Weather and Climate Enterprise (CWCE) has grown dramatically in recent years. To continue to meet our community's needs and to address new ones, the CWCE is restructuring its boards and committees. A new entity, the Board on Global Strategies, has been created to respond to topics at an international scale. The purpose of the Board on Global Strategies is to promote development of and access to the most advanced meteorological and climatological observations, models, and predictions by all people across the globe, with particular emphasis on improving water, food, energy, and environmental security in all nations.
This presentation will describe the goals and activities of this new board and solicit feedback from the audience in order to ensure that the Board on Global Strategies is as effective and successful, especially in its first year, as possible.