Providing Meaningful and Actionable Decision Tools to Local and Regional Stakeholders across the Southeastern U.S

Handout (2.2 MB)
While there have been a variety of tools and data products developed by the private, public, and academic sectors in recent years that benefit small and medium-sized communities, many solutions remain under-utilized or unused once they have been delivered. This is likely due to tool and solution providers not fully understanding how end-users can and want to receive data and information. Additionally, it no longer is sufficient to simply build an integrated tool, such as a web application or online geospatial viewer, and expect the end-user or decision maker to make use of it. Instead, solutions are needed that deliver better context and meaning, and that end-users and decision makers will be more likely to adopt and take ownership of. They must also be provided in a way that enables full integration within the users' own current systems working across entire enterprise organizations, be scalable, and enable decision makers to take action.
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