MIKE CUSTOMISED by DHI - A Software Platform for Information Management, Water Resources Planning and Management and River Operations
MIKE CUSTOMISED by DHI - A Software Platform for Information Management, Water Resources Planning and Management and River Operations

Wednesday, 5 February 2014: 11:30 AM
Room C108 (The Georgia World Congress Center )
MIKE CUSTOMISED by DHI is a software platform that focuses on delivering IT solutions for decision support systems and information management systems. The platform is very flexible and has a very broad range of applicability. MIKE CUSTOMISED is used to address challenges in almost all water environments whether in urban, rural, riverine, coastal or marine environments. It builds on generalized, extendible software components which we use to deliver standard solutions off-the-shelf and to create customized, cost-effective and sustainable solutions designed for your particular need. MIKE CUSTOMISED has been built and developed through client projects and internal R&D efforts and today serves numerous client solutions throughout the world. Client solutions range from simple single-user applications to large corporate IT systems, supporting hundreds of concurrent users often helping our clients with: • managing, organizing and analyzing large amounts of data • making wise investments and robust water management decisions • getting the full benefit of real-time monitoring and early warning systems • optimizing operations and planning MIKE CUSTOMISED is today used for the Nile Basin Decision Support System (NB DSS) for river basin management and the Computer Aided River Model (CARM) for real-time river and reservoir operations. Together with the Nile Basin Initiative (NBI) DHI in association with RTi has developed and deployed the NB DSS to support water resources planning and investment decisions in the Nile Basin and to promote cooperation and sharing of tools and information among the riparian countries. The NB DSS comprises an information management system, a regional river basin modeling system, and a suite of analytical tools to support multi-objective analysis of investment alternatives. The project included design, development, adaptation, testing and deployment of NB DSS at regional, sub-regional and national level as well as proof-of-concept, training, and continued support after deployment of NB DSS. DHI was responsible for development and deployment of the NB DSS within the Nile Basin countries. With the State Water Cooperation (SWC) of New South Wales, Australia, DHI has developed the Computer Aided River Management (CARM) DSS . CARM is a sophisticated real-time DSS that assists river and dam operators on the Murrumbidgee River in their effort to release the right amount of water at the right time to meet multiple competing management objectives, including flood protection, environmental flows, hydropower production and supply of water for irrigation purposes. Through real-life application it is demonstrated that the solution can enhance operational efficiency by an order of magnitude 20-50 per cent, depending on the season and the operational objectives.