CMIP5 models: NOAA CMIP5 Task Force Session on Process-Oriented Diagnostics (Part I)

- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner
Monday, 3 February 2014: 4:00 PM-5:30 PM
Room C101 (The Georgia World Congress Center )
Host: 26th Conference on Climate Variability and Change
Chair:  Eric D. Maloney, Atmospheric Science, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO
  4:00 PM
Climate Processes in CMIP5: NOAA's CMIP5 Task Force; uses and applications of the CMIP5 dataset
Daniel Barrie, NOAA, Silver Spring, MD; and J. L. Kinter III, J. Sheffield, E. D. Maloney, and A. Mariotti
  4:15 PM
Climate Processes in CMIP5: Process-oriented diagnostics of tropical intraseasonal variability
Eric D. Maloney, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO; and W. Hannah, J. Benedict, and X. Jiang
  4:45 PM
Climate Processes in CMIP5: Precipitation dynamics in high-resolution CAM simulations
Julio T. Bacmeister, NCAR, Boulder, CO; and R. B. Neale, P. Callaghan, and J. E. Truesdale
  5:00 PM