Developments in Numerical Weather Prediction II: High Spatial Resolution

- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner
Thursday, 6 February 2014: 11:00 AM-12:00 PM
Room C202 (The Georgia World Congress Center )
Host: 26th Conference on Weather Analysis and Forecasting / 22nd Conference on Numerical Weather Prediction
Cochairs:  Ming Xue, School of Meteorology, CAPS/Univ. of Oklahoma, Norman, OK and James Doyle, Naval Research Laboratory, Monterey, CA
  11:00 AM
Compatibility of High Resolution Terrain with High Resolution Model Grid
William Y. Y. Cheng, NCAR, Boulder, CO; and Y. Liu, G. Roux, L. Pan, Y. Liu, J. Y. Byon, and Y. J. Choi
  11:15 AM
Recent Advances in High-Resolution Operational NWP, Utilizing WRF-ARW
James P. Cipriani, IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY; and L. A. Treinish and A. P. Praino
  11:30 AM
Mesoscale Meteorological Modeling at Kilometer Scale Grid Meshes
Jason Ching, Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC; and R. Rotunno, M. LeMone, B. Kosovic, A. Martilli, P. Jimenez, J. Dudhia, F. K. Chow, and B. Bornstein
  11:45 AM
Development of an Hourly-Updated NAM Forecast System
Jacob Carley, IMSG @ NOAA/NWS/NCEP/EMC, College Park, MD; and E. Rogers, S. Liu, B. Ferrier, E. Aligo, M. Pyle, and G. J. DiMego