Precipitation Processes and Observations for Atmospheric, Land Surface, and Hydrological Modeling Posters
Precipitation Processes and Observations for Atmospheric, Land Surface, and Hydrological Modeling Posters

Thursday, 6 February 2014: 9:45 AM-11:00 AM
Hall C3 (The Georgia World Congress Center )
Host: 28th Conference on Hydrology
Cochairs: Yu Zhang, OHD, NOAA/NWS, Silver Spring, MD; Dongsoo Kim, NOAA/NESDIS/NCDC, Asheville, NC and Pingping Xie, NOAA/NWS/NCEP/CPC, College Park, MD
Poster 539 will now be presented as 7B.1A
See more of: 28th Conference on Hydrology