Recent process in the use of AMVs in the MSC deterministic prediction systems
Recent process in the use of AMVs in the MSC deterministic prediction systems

Monday, 5 January 2015
The extraction of more information from Atmospheric Motion Vectors (AMVs) available for operational numerical weather predictions represents a continuous and challenging effort. With the recent progress in the assimilation of AMVs made in the other meteorological centers, as well as the availability of new products such the GOES hourly AMVs, a significant revision of AMV's has been carried out at Meteorological Service of Canada (MSC) to optimise their use in the data assimilation and the forecast systems.
The use of quality indicators coefficients for geostationary satellites at EC is being reviewed and validated. Currently, both EUMETSAT QI and CMISS/NESDIS RFF are employed to select AMV observations. In addition, the temporal thinning of AMV's is another important issue that is examined. Hourly GOES AMVs have also been evaluated. The impact of assimilating this product on hourly, 2-hourly and 3-hourly basis will also be presented. As well, another objective at MSC is to assimilate AMV's over the Northern Hemisphere continents and beyond 55 degrees zenith angle.