Building OSSE system at JCSDA
Building OSSE system at JCSDA

Monday, 5 January 2015
Observing System Simulation Experiments are conducted as collaboration among NOAA institutes. JCSDA is building OSSE system with collaboration with NCEP, NESDIS, AOML, ESRL, SSEC and other NOAA institutes. Currently focus is on observing system to improve hurricane forecast as the OSSEs are mainly funded by Hurricane Sandy relive bill. Hyperspectrum geostationary satellite and observational data from GPSRO satellite planned in COSMIC 2 and further mission are evaluated in this project.
Nature run for this OSSE are provided by NASA/GSFC/GMAO and ECMWF. NASA produced two year long Nature run G5NR: 7km horizontal resolution 72 level model with complete aerosol. ECMWF will provide T1279 91 level Nature run using operational model.
In JCSDA, all observation for control experiments which is based on current observing systems as well as observational data to be evaluated. The system are being developed so that further OSSE at JCSDA will be conducted efficiently. In this presentation, OSSE related accomplishment at JCSDA in past decades and current progress will be presented.