The AMS Board on Global Strategies Priorities and Future Activities
The AMS Board on Global Strategies Priorities and Future Activities

Tuesday, 6 January 2015: 11:45 AM
222A-C (Phoenix Convention Center - West and North Buildings)
The purpose of the Board on Global Strategies is to promote development of and access to the most advanced meteorological and climatological observations, models, and predictions by all people across the globe, with particular emphasis on improving water, food, energy, and environmental security in all nations.
The board held its first face-to-face meeting on August 14, 2014. At this meeting, invited speakers presented their knowledge of current issues and possible pathways to progress in the fields of weather and climate observations, data, models, predictions, and services. Leaders from the private meteorological companies, the World Meteorological Organization, and the National Weather Service shared their perspectives with the board and other meeting participants.
This presentation will describe the highlights of the August 14 meeting that may affect the board's priorities and future activities.