Understanding the business usage of a Mobile Consulting application
Understanding the business usage of a Mobile Consulting application

Monday, 5 January 2015: 4:30 PM
132AB (Phoenix Convention Center - West and North Buildings)
(469.8 kB)
Mobile applications and technologies continue to change the landscape of weather information consumption for businesses. Value-added features in addition to real-time weather information are a necessity for businesses and organizations to mitigate the associated risks of weather, improve operating efficiencies, and increase overall safety. As a value-added service, Schneider Electric hosts an interactive online consulting forum within its software-as-a-service platform via mobile application and internet browser. Since inception, this forum has proven useful for clients to make specific weather inquiries directly to an Operational Meteorologist about their unique needs as related to the weather's impact. This study investigates the mobile usage trends of the forum to better understand the end user when compared to the traditional website/browser based application.