Climatic Significance of Multi-Decade Oscillations of the Upper Ocean Heat Content
Climatic Significance of Multi-Decade Oscillations of the Upper Ocean Heat Content

Wednesday, 7 January 2015
Our identification of the global inter-decade atmospheric oscillations (GAO) in the dynamics of the modern climate system was the basis for the formulation of hypotheses about the existence of GAO alternating draw effect in the form of pre-emptive multi-decade oscillations of ocean upper layer heat content (OHO). Real signs of a such oscillation was first pointed out after the analysis of experimental data from several large domestic projects of the last century 60-80-es. Carried out in this work by using advanced model of INM RAS numerical experiments on the evolution of modern hydrophysical regime in the northern parts of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans allowed to see that there is statistically significant correlation between OHO and GAO, that manifested in the dynamics of the current climate in Eurasian region as a phase variation of the index of its continentality.