Evaluation of AMS Education Resources during Digital Transition
Evaluation of AMS Education Resources during Digital Transition

Tuesday, 6 January 2015: 9:00 AM
125AB (Phoenix Convention Center - West and North Buildings)
The AMS Education Program is currently undergoing a transition to digital publication of their instructional resources for undergraduate curricula. Heretofore, they have played a significant role in developing pedagogical resources offered from AMS. Their instructional publications are utilized in hundreds of educational institutions, focusing on minority-serving institutions, with multiple methods of classroom delivery. The newest AMS Climate Studies textbook (Our Changing Climate) is the first complete textbook to be rendered in an ebook format. The digital format incorporates new technological advances and the rapidly evolving nature of climate change. The focus of this paper will highlight those technological advances as well as changes from the previous edition of the textbook. In addition, the author will describe the challenges of incorporating these new pedagogical tools in the classroom from first-hand experience in teaching introductory courses in climatology, meteorology and oceanography throughout the past twelve years. Finally, the paper will evaluate the changing inventory of educational resources from AMS and student feedback based upon their engagement with the digital resources.