Advances and Innovation in Aviation Forecasting: Using Next Generation Satellite Data at the Air Traffic Control Systems Command Center
Advances and Innovation in Aviation Forecasting: Using Next Generation Satellite Data at the Air Traffic Control Systems Command Center

Monday, 5 January 2015: 11:15 AM
129A (Phoenix Convention Center - West and North Buildings)
In recent years the Aviation Weather Center (AWC) has expanded from a major focus on general aviation forecasting, to a new and rapidly growing role in forecasting for commercial airline traffic flow operations. To supplement this role, the AWC has posted two National Aviation Meteorologists (NAMs) at the Air Traffic Control Systems Command Center in Warrenton, VA, to directly interact with and provide real-time weather analysis to the FAA's traffic flow managers. As weather is one of the biggest causes of delays, and subsequently increased economic costs of the airlines, an accurate forecast is imperative. In order to meet this challenge, the NAMs utilize the most advanced and innovative weather data for their operations, including next generation satellite products developed in preparation for the launch of GOES-R. This talk will outline several of these products, detailing the real-time use and the subsequent forecast refinement and improvement provided by each.2 on 7-31-2014-->