Supporting Power Utility Emergency Management, Before, During and After the Storm
Supporting Power Utility Emergency Management, Before, During and After the Storm

Monday, 5 January 2015: 11:15 AM
224B (Phoenix Convention Center - West and North Buildings)
For power utilities, emergency preparedness for hurricanes, ice storms and other weather events that may cause major power outages has long been a key concern. With ever-growing customer expectations for fast restoration and increased scrutiny from public utility commissions, along with an aging US utility infrastructure, this is only becoming more important. This presentation will look at what utilities can do to better prepare for and respond to major outages caused by severe weather. Don Leick will discuss weather services, consulting, and new software applications being employed, before, during and after the storm. Don is with Schneider Electric, whose weather services are used by hundreds of US utilities for emergency preparedness and restoration response, including most of the major power utilities such as ConEd, National Grid, Northeast Utilities, FP&L, Oncor, ComEd, PECO and Georgia Power.