GIS Efforts in NOAA - Past, Present and Future
GIS Efforts in NOAA - Past, Present and Future

Thursday, 8 January 2015: 1:30 PM
130 (Phoenix Convention Center - West and North Buildings)
For years, geospatial dissemination throughout NOAA has been accomplished via grassroots efforts. These efforts have the unfortunate consequence of operational GIS datasets being disseminated with infrastructure not operationally supported. In addition, it leads to data being disseminated in many different formats, some of them not standards compliant, and a lack of consistent metadata prevents the easy discovery of NOAA geospatial data.
In the Fall of 2013, NWS and NOAA leadership approved the formation of a project to establish an enterprise GIS dissemination system. This is the first time that resources were specifically devoted to an 24/7 operational GIS dissemination system with the same level of support as other operational dissemination systems, such as the Web and AWIPS.
This presentation will discuss some of the services and applications already migrated to these stacks as well as those in the pipeline to do so. Through the hard work of many NOAA GIS subject matter experts, the future of GIS at NOAA looks bright.