Overview of the Storm Prediction Center
Overview of the Storm Prediction Center

Tuesday, 6 January 2015: 1:30 PM
128AB (Phoenix Convention Center - West and North Buildings)
(812.6 kB)
The NOAA Storm Prediction Center (SPC), based in Norman, Oklahoma, specializes in forecasts of tornadoes, other severe convective storms, fire-weather potential, and mesoscale winter-weather hazards across the conterminous United States. From a small start as a tornado-prediction unit in the 1950s, the SPC has evolved to a staff of 22 full-time forecasters, a science-support branch, and a small management staff. In addition to the forecast roles, the SPC performs operationally relevant scientific research, offers various online forecasting tools to the meteorological community at large, and provides informative public outreach via its website and social media. An overview of the past and present SPC is presented, along with visions for the center's future.