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Monday, 5 January 2015
Anthony Praino, IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY; and L. A. Treinish, H. Kolar, J. Cipriani, E. Dow, M. Kelly, F. Liu, F. O'Donncha, E. Ragnoli, M. Passow, and L. Villa Real

AN INTEGRATED MODELING AND OBSERVING SYSTEM FOR THE STUDY OF ECOLOGY OF LAKE GEORGE IN THE JEFFERSON PROJECT Anthony Praino*, Lloyd Treinish, Harry Kolar James Cipriani, Eli Dow, Michael Kelly, Frank Liu, Fearghal O'Donncha, Emanuele Ragnoli, Michael Passow, Lucas Villa Real IBM Research

We describe an integrated modeling and observing system presently under development in support of the Jefferson Project at Lake George. The Jefferson Project is collaboration between Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, IBM, and the FUND for Lake George focused on developing a detailed understanding of the overall ecology of Lake George, including the interactions of the physical, chemical, and biological environment in and around the lake. Aspects of research are driven principally by the management of numerous complex factors affecting the lake including: road salt, storm water runoff, and invasive species. The lake is located in the Adirondack State Park region of upstate New York, approximately 220 miles north of New York City. Lake George is a glacial, oligotrophic water body and is unique among fresh water lakes because of its ecology, geographic orientation, historical importance, and tourism-driven economic impact. The partners are developing an integrated modeling and observing system in order to enable a comprehensive understanding of the current ecological state of the lake while simultaneously supporting an ongoing research and monitoring program. This integrated modeling and research system is composed of three major components. The first of which is a coupled, high-performance, computing modeling system to physically model the atmospheric, hydrological, and hydrodynamic aspects of the lake and surrounding region. The second major component under development is a real time multi-sensor observing network composed of in-situ sensors for atmospheric, stream and lake measurement, to inform the coupled models as well as provide real-time observation of the lake environment. The third and final component of the system is a cohesive, and adaptive, cyber infrastructure responsible for the control, coordination, communication, aggregation, and delivery of the various data streams in real-time. The modeling and observing systems will provide predictive and real-time analytics for research, operations, and management functionality as part of a lake monitoring and assessment program whose principal purpose is the detection and timely response to adverse environmental and ecological effects. We present an overview of the project as well as details of the integrated modeling and observing system.