A recent tornado outbreak under pseudo-global warming

Consistent with our previous findings on connections between climate change and convective storms, the regional pre-convective environment on 20 May 2013 modified by PGW consisted of relatively higher CAPE and lower vertical wind shear. Nonetheless, the WRF simulation with the PGW conditions still yielded supercellular convection in central Oklahoma, as was observed on 20 May 2013, and was also simulated with the CTRL conditions. Thus, PGW did not lead to a change in convective mode, as has been speculated as a possible effect. Convective cells in the PGW simulation were, however, relatively more isolated, and initiated approximately two hours later than in the CTRL simulation. This can be attributed to the higher CIN. Quantitative differences in the characteristics of the convection will be discussed, as will be any sensitivities to the components of the modeling procedure.