The MRMS system configuration to support Research-To-Operations Process
The MRMS system configuration to support Research-To-Operations Process

Monday, 5 January 2015
Handout (607.3 kB) Handout (2.0 MB)
The Multi Radar Multi Sensor (MRMS) system exists as an operational system for the integration and assimilation of multiple sensor observations and numerical analysis/prediction fields for the identification and short term prediction of hazardous weather and water conditions such as tornadoes and flash floods. The MRMS system was specifically conceived and designed to address the objectives of and to support the Weather Ready Nation, NextGen Weather, and Integrated Water Resource Services (IWRS) initiatives. During 2014, the MRMS system and code were transitioned to the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) and runs operationally as part of the NWS Integrated Dissemination Program (IDP). The MRMS system running at NCEP's operational IDP computer farm produces and disseminates over 123 product grids for the CONUS used for the detection and short-term prediction of severe weather every 2 minutes with spatial resolutions of 1x1 km. The presentation will provide an overview of the MRMS system evolution and final configuration to support the NCEP IDP operational environment. The presentation will cover key architecture features implemented to assure modularity and flexibility necessary to expedite the Research-To-Operations (RTO) process for applications.