Two Years of Interdisciplinary Research, Education, and Network-building Through the Studies of Precipitation, Flooding, and Rainfall Extremes Across Disciplines (SPREAD) Workshops

Handout (25.7 MB)
A recurring theme from the workshops was the history, application, and interpretation of flood probabilities and return periods, including terminology such as "100-year flood." A unique opportunity arose to explore this issue, as historic flooding occurred in Colorado in September 2013 in the time between the two workshops. During the 2013 workshop, the group had visited several locations in Colorado that had been affected by past floods, which then also experienced flooding in the September 2013 flood. Repeat visits to these locations in 2014 revealed the magnitude of impacts of the floods, along with the implications of some of the assumptions about flood probability and recurrence frequency. These subjects, the results of ongoing research, and perspectives on the long-term impact of workshops such as these on interdisciplinary research and education efforts will be addressed during the presentation.