Targeting on the Research to Operational Transition with the Basin-scale HWRF Modeling System
Targeting on the Research to Operational Transition with the Basin-scale HWRF Modeling System

Thursday, 8 January 2015: 9:00 AM
232A-C (Phoenix Convention Center - West and North Buildings)
The basin-scale HWRF system is an advancement of the operational HWRF modeling system with a multiple-movable-nest capability suitable for tropical cyclone (TC) predictions over the entire North Atlantic and North Eastern Pacific basins. It is capable of resolving inner-core structure of storms and capturing multi-scale and storm-storm interactions. The primary goal of creating such a modeling system is to test and evaluate developments that can potentially enhance the operational HWRF modeling system. The system consists of all available components of the operational HWRF except its oceanic coupling component. With this system, we are exploring a new parallel framework development and enhanced vortex initialization, testing and evaluating new physics schemes, and several new products using three-year retrospective simulations. In this study, we demonstrated the effectiveness of the sophisticated land surface processes, coupling to surface and planetary boundary layer processes. We also show the effect of the new land surface scheme (NOAH-LSM) on forecasting storm track, intensity and structure. The new evaluation and development can provide the baseline for the ongoing development of the next-generation TC forecast system and accelerate the potential research-to-operational transition of the new physics schemes.