Modeling and Data Assimilation Techniques

- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner
Thursday, 8 January 2015: 8:30 AM-9:45 AM
232A-C (Phoenix Convention Center - West and North Buildings)
Host: Fifth Conference on Transition of Research to Operations
Cochairs:  Tom Pagano, NASA/JPL, Pasadena, CA and Brian Mischel, Riverside Technology Inc., Silver Spring, MD

  8:30 AM
The NWS Research to Operations Initiative: The Next Generation Global Prediction System
Fred Toepfer, NOAA/NWS, Silver Spring, MD; and D. DeWitt, H. Tolman, and I. Stajner

  8:45 AM
Results from a global non-hydrostatic dynamical core comparison using idealized tests
Jeffrey S., Whitaker, NOAA/ESRL/PSD, Boulder, CO ; and J. Doyle, W. C. Skamarock, J. Klemp, S. J. Lin, J. Lee, Z. Janjic, S. Gabersek, P. A. Reinecke, and K. C. Viner
  9:00 AM
Targeting on the Research to Operational Transition with the Basin-scale HWRF Modeling System
Xuejin Zhang, NOAA/AOML/HRD, Miami, FL; and T. Quirino, S. Trahan, Q. Liu, Z. Zhang, R. St. Fleur, S. Gopalakrishnan, V. Tallapragada, and F. D. Marks Jr.
  9:30 AM
Sea Level Forecasts and Early Warning Application in the Pacific
Md Rashed Chowdhury, Pacific ENSO Applications Climate Center, Honolulu, HI; and P. S. Chu