Assessment and Measurement of Impacts on Public Weather Service in China
Assessment and Measurement of Impacts on Public Weather Service in China

Tuesday, 6 January 2015: 11:30 AM
131C (Phoenix Convention Center - West and North Buildings)
The main purpose of this paper is to understand Chinese Public Weather Service and evaluate its benefit. The study explores where, how often and when people obtain weather information and how people perceive, use and value this information. The results show that people collect weather information from various sources, and the favorable sources vary by different ages. Most people obtain weather information from 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. to prepare for daily life next day. And people concern more about the weather information which is close to their daily lives and professional needs. According to the statistics, the satisfaction and accuracy of the current weather information is very high, but the accuracy of weather forecasts still needs to be improved. All these findings can help Meteorological Agency to provide more beneficial weather service to meet the public's needs. Moreover, the benefits and the cost-benefit ratios of China and different provincial-level regions in 2006 are evaluated by the direct, indirect and reverse “Willingness-To-Pay” evaluation models. For the whole country, it is indicated that the benefit of Public Weather Service in China is at least 46.482 billion Yuan RMB measured in Chinese currency, which accounts for 0.22% of GDP in 2006; and the cost-benefit ratio is 1:26. By analyzing different provincial-level regions, the cost-benefit ratios of Public Weather Service are higher in economically developed areas (Central and East China) than those in economically underdeveloped areas (Northwest China). The social development level, especially the aspects of Primary Industry and transportation, has a close relationship with the cost-benefit ratio of Public Weather Service.
Key words: Public Weather Service; Willingness-To-Pay; Benefit Assessment