NOAA View: a data exploration website and web service for streamlined access to NOAA satellite, weather, and climate data
NOAA View: a data exploration website and web service for streamlined access to NOAA satellite, weather, and climate data

Wednesday, 7 January 2015: 9:30 AM
131C (Phoenix Convention Center - West and North Buildings)
Simple is better, especially when it comes to accessing environmental data. Simplicity was the guiding principal in developing the NOAA View data explorer. NOAA View acts as primarily as a website, leveraging OpenLayers, where users can access over 100 variables from a variety of NOAA satellites, models, in situ observations, and analyses. It also functions as a web service, providing access to imagery and data via FTP and GeoServer WMS. This talk will focus on the system architecture of NOAA View, along with discussing future plans for the system, including API development, new data modules, interface designs, and Drupal/Cartaro/PostGIS geospatial databases. In addition to this talk, NOAA View is being demonstrated at the NOAA exhibit. www.nnvl.noaa.gov/view