Innovative trends in providing extreme weather warnings to the world

- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner
Thursday, 8 January 2015: 4:00 PM
132AB (Phoenix Convention Center - West and North Buildings)
Jonathan Porter, AccuWeather, Inc, State College, PA

Organizations are collecting more weather data than ever before, helping governments, communities and businesses better understand and manage the risks associated with extreme weather. As one of these organizations, AccuWeather – the world's largest weather media company - utilizes the power of Big Data, including robust hyper-local data points, weather modeling, algorithms, and custom communications by platform to respond to more than 6.5 billion data requests globally every day and works with governments and private entities worldwide to collect and disseminate an evolving wealth of weather information, including weather warnings from many countries. Best practices and innovative trends related to the supply of weather warning information from National Meteorological Services will be discussed, as well as ideas about how the meteorological community can work together to further save lives globally and mitigate losses from extreme weather.