Super Real Time Weather Simulation for Interactive Urban Planning: Towards an integrated urban meteorological modeling system using data visualization, traffic emissions and inverse modeling
Super Real Time Weather Simulation for Interactive Urban Planning: Towards an integrated urban meteorological modeling system using data visualization, traffic emissions and inverse modeling
- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner
Wednesday, 7 January 2015
Current weather numerical simulations focus their application on numerical weather prediction and for weather and climate research. In this paper, we present a very fast, interactive, and configurable weather simulator that allow us to expand its uses to other areas such as urban flooding, urban planning and 3D virtual worlds. Starting from known equations, we formulate a new set of compact physically-based equations that realistically simulate weather phenomena. This interactive tool not only allows the user to see the visualization but also to make changes on the fly and see their future impact. The configurability enables defining three levels of simulation complexity: 2D XY model to simulate horizontal momentum, temperature, and mass; 2D XZ Grid-C center differentiation model to include in the simulation vertical momentum; and a complete Grid-C RK3-5 3D version. In the results, we present several preliminary experiments in cities worldwide, including New York, Bangalore, and Doha, and compare them with ground-truth results. The integration of the urban layout data along with the traffic flow patterns is integrated within a mesoscale modeling setup and impact on simulation of heavy rain processes around urban landscapes are discussed